Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am hopefully going to be creating a brochure and posters based on Ireland. I am using DiscoverIreland as the main reference. The end result will be doing the same purpose as DiscoverIreland but only in the visual sense using Photographs and a little bit of information on each photograph. It will be showing tourists how nice Ireland is and will be advertising all the different beautiful places there are to see. Some of the Photographers that inspired me were Mark Callanan, Andy McInroy and also Liam Lyons, which are all landscape photographers. One of the books i love and feel that have brilliant photos in it is 'Ireland' by 'Eyres Kevin & Kerrig'. Hopefully, I will put all the research and knowledge I have learned and looked at together to create a good and useful end product.

My project is going to consist mainly of photography.  The theme is going to be photography based advertising, mainly showing how nice Ireland is to adventure around and the different counties and places  to visit. Also hopefully go to different events that are happening around Ireland and capture the culture of Ireland.Mainly targeting tourists to show them what places and events to see in Ireland and giving them a little knowledge into what Ireland is like.

I wish to gain the expertise to create inspirational photographs and also to advertise a certain product, event, area and culture. All this will hopefully gain me experience to then move on and do photography and advertising combined as a career. As well i feel i will be using a lot of type in this work which will also expand my knowledge into typography and how to use it to a better and more useful extent.